Sunday, October 2, 2011

Tuesday, August 16, 2011 8:39 AM, PDT

The Fever "Roller Coaster"
Last night had me quite concerned as Marilou's temperature began to rise one point reaching 104.3. Tylenol and a continuous application of cold packs managed to get it down to 101.6 by the time I got her to bed. She is thinking that these fevers have been going on since she had the Ultrasound back in early July.  We  have not had a fever over 104 up to this point.

We are hoping to hear from the doctor today, and also talk about what is going on with the fevers. When she was in for the biopsy, the doctor said he was fairly sure this was not the result of an infection, but reaction of what is going on with the liver.

Marilou is going to try to go to work today. She has a short day, with just one of her clients. We are praying that this will go well.

Pray for the fevers to be brought  under control. Pray for the pain she is still in from the biopsy.

Thanks for all your support and prayers

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