Sunday, October 2, 2011

Thursday, September 1, 2011 3:31 PM, PDT

Thursday afternoon are all here
Well the family is all here. Jonathan arrived This morning about 1:30 am after a delayed flight out of Atlanta. So it was a short night. Jonathan and Carol had some time singing to Marilou at her bedside this morning and she was pretty responsive. But it was also fairly taxing. When the nurse came, we asked about her distended belly, and were told that this is a result of the cancer, and swelling will continue. We noticed that her fingers were also swollen and we could not get her wedding ring or her ring with the kids birthstones off her fingers. Because of the risk to her fingers, the nurse called the paramedics to come and cut off the rings. Poor Marilou was crying out, "NO! NO! Please NO!" it was heartbreaking...
I put the rings on her pinkies so she could still have them on. That and the bath later, pretty much more her out.
So afternoon has been kind of a "resting time" for all of us. The nurse was pretty firm that I get out and get away for a bit. And by today I was pretty wiped out with sleeping next to her bed, she would wake up at least twice during the night.
Later today and tomorrow each of us will have our private times with her to say goodbye and give her permission to leave us.
We could sure use your prayers for those times.

We so much appreciate all of you who have left messages of love and prayers. It has meant so much to all of us. We can never repay all that you have given to us. We pray God's richest blessings on each one of you

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